Again, the profit of any company and any sector delivers benefits across society. If you take issue with the idea of profitable economic sectors, I think there may be more fundamental issues with the functioning of an open market system, because that's what a market system does. It delivers and distributes enormous benefits across the board. You can find exceptions where those profits are particularly high at a particular time. Again, invariably, the return in the tax-based revenue—the royalties and so on—is extraordinary.
On the point about the morality of the question, I would point to the fact that over the course of the 20th century, the human condition has improved dramatically, and the numbers of deaths and tragic incidents as a consequence of natural disasters and other disasters have dropped dramatically. The quality of human life has increased dramatically. I think that's a direct consequence of our ability to deliver affordable energy to people around the world.
In doing so, I would say to the Secretary General—as I know his staff do—that there are enormous benefits that come from this sector. They are benefits that have enabled us to do many of the things that the United Nations is doing around the world.