Thank you.
Yes. Since day one, we have reached out, and when I say “we”, it is of course our office and all the organizations that have been actively involved in our cause and in supporting our interests in the U.S. and across the world. We—and the embassy of Armenia, of course—have reached out to both branches, the executive and the legislative, to inform them about the facts of the blockade and to ask for a level of pressure that would be sufficient for Azerbaijan to lift the blockade and to establish humanitarian action.
From the executive, you're completely right. We have heard many statements from top political levels, including the State Department, USAID and the Office of the President. The spokespersons of these bodies have referred to this question on various occasions and the demand is clear: to open the road, to lift the blockade and to ensure unimpeded access for people, for goods and for everything that it was used for.
On the legislative side, we also have seen the very active involvement of the congressional groups that care about Artsakh and care about the human rights. You don't have to be pro-Armenian to care about this issue. You have to be pro-human and against aggression.
We have seen various members of the parliament reaching out to their authorities and to the executive authorities with a demand to take concrete action and to make sure that the voice of the U.S. is heard in Azerbaijan in a proper manner, because you probably also know that the U.S. is one of the countries that has been dealing with our situation since 1992 as one of the co-chairs of the OSCE group, along with France and Russia. There is a level of responsibility in any major capital, which, again, is rejecting aggression, rejecting genocide and is pro-peace, just like your colleague mentioned. That's pretty much the same agenda as ours.
We're very pleased that this agenda is absolutely shared by the Armenian sites in Armenia, in Artsakh and in the international community—the U.S., Russia, France and all the democracies, like Canada, I'm sure. The only site, the only country, that is opposing this is Azerbaijan. Of course, they're using their political resources—also, Turkey and paid lobbyists and everything.
Yes, we have seen it, but unfortunately we expect that the level will be deficient to lift the blockade. As of now, it did not go there, but we feel that this is a question in the focus of the U.S. authorities. We'll make sure that they continue to receive up-to-date information and will keep the pressure on. This is a global issue. This is not only an issue of the 120,000. This is a civilizational issue.