All right. I'll ask a quick one.
I just want to follow up on that issue, because I know that we are all globally working very hard—UNFPA and lots of countries—to try to deal with these practices of female genital mutilation and, of course, early and forced marriage. With early marriage, we're talking about those who are married off at 14, but we all know that medically a young woman who has a child before the age of 19 runs a very high risk of pregnancy complications.
What are we doing about contraceptive advice with regard to postponing their first child so that women don't have to face some of these complications of eclampsia, premature birth, and a fair amount of damage to the child and themselves if they have children very early? I don't mean at 14 and 15; I'm talking about relatively early. At the age of 17 or 18, as we know, there are still high risks associated with that.