Yes, thank you.
As I mentioned, there are the neglected areas of abortion, contraception access, CSE and advocacy for SRHR. There is the neglected among the neglected of investment in abortion and comprehensive sexual health education. It's under $2 million in 2020-21 that Canada invested in access to safe abortion services. Look at the scale of the need and the financial implication of not providing these services. While we're naming this as a part of the comprehensive package of care, we are not putting the money in this area just yet.
I think that aggressively scaling up in all four of those areas, in particular the ones that remain underfunded by this government and governments around the world, is a key step for Canada to be taking if we are going to use this 10-year commitment as a way to catalyze global investment and backing for the advancement of these rights. I would say that two of those four require further attention.
I also think that global advocacy on behalf of the country has an important role here. We cannot go this challenge alone. The amount of money that Canada is putting into this work is significant. Its long-term nature is significant. What is unique about it is the potential for us to demonstrate investment in these neglected areas and catalyze other countries to do the same. We need to be organizing with other allies and donors, making clear the impact of these investments and that there is a rationale and a need for them to further invest themselves.
There is a lot of good work being done by Canada already, but there are things like the global SheDecides partnership on abortion that I think we could really lean further into, working with those allied countries to make investment in this area grow.