Thank you for the question.
As of 2020-21, we know that Canada has made significant investments in UNFPA programming. We've made contributions to UNFPA core funding. We have also made investments in the UNFPA supplies mechanism, which is the multilateral institutions' specific contraception provision services. With the last investment in UNFPA supplies in particular, we saw an increased one-time, $20-million commitment over a period of four years. It's a slight increase from the sort of annual commitment we had been making to the supplies initiative in particular.
If you look historically at the trajectory of Canada's funding to UNFPA, we've had a consistent core investment of between $15 million and $17 million. We've seen a significant growth in programming investments. UNFPA also does a significant amount of programming in fragile and humanitarian settings, so I think there is a big portion of the programming that is addressing that direct need in fragile states.
Where we continue to see less movement around investment in the neglected areas is in relation to abortion and comprehensive sexual health education specifically. Of the $104 million I was speaking of that is in the neglected areas right now, about $40 million is in contraception services. Another good chunk is in advocacy towards SRHR, and a very minor amount is in abortion and CSE.