Thank you so much. I chose to fly here after two days of thinking. I've just witnessed it here—systems can actually fail. I would have failed to represent the voices that would have told me to come here. I think I made the right choice.
I will go back now to your question on development priorities.
For a long time I worked with civil society before joining politics. One thing that was so good at that time was that, when the donors would come to us, they would ask us what our values were. What does our culture say about this, this and this? They would say that they would fit into our culture.
Now things have changed. What is now happening is that you must fit in with the donors. The donors come and tell you that you must fit into their values. You must fit into their culture. This is really, for me, wrong. If you want to help me, come build what I have as opposed to making me fit into your priorities.
Right now, like I say, our priority is to keep the girl at school. Studies have shown that when a girl stays at school she will definitely stay out of unwanted pregnancy. We will not need abortion for her. We will not need contraceptives for her. That is for me the development priority that I think we need.
We need more functional health centres for our women and children as opposed to more money for contraceptives, family planning and abortion.