Thank you, Mr. Chair.
I'd like to take a moment of privilege to raise one name at the committee. It's the name Bonnie Bean.
Bonnie was a friend of mine and a parishioner in the church where I was the pastor. She died on February 21 after a lifetime with Planned Parenthood in the Toronto office and after a lifetime of sexual education for young people and advocating for women's rights. She had a profound influence on me for all my life. I just want to raise her name and get it in our record today as someone who has made a difference in our country. Her death is a loss to our community.
I wanted to raise Bonnie's name and also thank Ms. Sully for her presentation and very factual understanding. I also want to thank the witness from Planned Parenthood, who raised some important issues.
I am going to address some issues with respect to Member of Parliament Akello's presentation today.
With all due respect, and fully understanding the sovereignty issue, the world community has decided that human rights are universal. They transcend political boundaries. They're indivisible and they're interdependent.
I understand that you are a co-chair of the women's caucus in your Parliament—or you have been co-chair of the women's caucus, with the Minister Sarah Opendi—and you have worked on women's issues.
I want to know how you address the human rights, the health and the well-being of lesbians in your country.