First of all, allow me to apologize to the three witnesses. It is truly, in my opinion, very unbecoming that we're having all of this back-and-forth regarding time.
Mr. Genuis, as you will recall when you first raised this issue, I said it appeared to me that you had 10 seconds remaining. However, out of an abundance of caution, I undertook to check and to go back and add whatever you had lost to the time that remained.
I did so. I had two people look at the timing, and those two have advised that I may have been off by 10 seconds or by 12 seconds.
Quite frankly, I will give you those additional 20 seconds, but I will not do any more than that, Mr. Genuis.
You have taken up the time of the committee. You have disrupted the committee. You have disrespected the witnesses.
As I said, I gave you my word—