Thank you, Mr. Chair.
I just wanted to say that I think today we should come to this work with the idea of getting through some of the important amendments that have been brought forward. I know that everybody comes with that idea, so it's just to try to put that in the frame of our work.
I actually am going to support this amendment, for the simple reason that I believe that Standing Orders are in place for a reason, that there is some value in keeping the Standing Orders. I think it's a reasonable thing for us to respect that.
I agree with Mr. Oliphant that all committees do very important work. All committees have very important things that they want to bring forward. I don't think there needs to be a different reality for this work.
I say that, knowing that I am deeply worried about our sanctions regime and that I have brought forward a study to have this group look at the sanctions regime. I don't think the enforcement of our sanctions regime is particularly robust. I don't think it is working particularly well in this country. I do have concerns about it.
That being said, I think respect for the Standing Orders, for me, is the rationale that I will bring to this amendment.