What I can say is that there can never be enough Canadians. Therefore, I don't feel surrounded; I feel supported.
The next point is that I've spent quite some time, and I have some fantastic special advisers.... We launched a new policy last Christmas at the Assembly of State Parties on gender persecution. We're rolling this out next month at the Bellagio Center, and also at a round table for civil society a few weeks later at the end of May-June, to give life to gender persecution because we say there's not a conflict in the world in which there's not gender persecution. We can just look at Afghanistan and what's happened to women, girls and others there.
In terms of sexual and gender-based violence, we are already reviewing the existing policy to make sure it's fit for purpose, and hopefully that will be launched this December at the Assembly of State Parties in New York. The same applies to the policy for crimes against and affecting children.
Children very often are the most invisible parts of the civil population. Far too often they are conflated with the general civilian population, or even worse, sometimes they're collated with crimes of sexual and gender-based violence. Until we start seeing clearly how children are affected and disaggregating the types of harm that are inflicted upon them, and the generational consequences of the aftershocks of those, we're not going to be able to properly investigate or to put forward proper cases.
In terms of Ukraine, I think what is known from a number of public sources are the types of allegations regarding crimes against children. However, in terms of the detail of those, I don't think it would be appropriate for me to say more at this time.