It depends on how much infrastructure we're assuming here, I suppose.
If we're talking about achieving the level of oil sands production that some people were talking about 30 to 40 years ago, then certainly Canada would be one of the largest producers of oil in the world. Well, we are already one of the largest producers of oil, but we could be producing far more.
In terms of natural gas, we don't have the same sort of natural gas reserves as the United States or Russia has, but we do have a significant amount of natural gas that could have been.... More LNG facilities on the west coast certainly could have been approved. Well, they were approved, but the economics wasn't quite there to allow for all of them to go through. The economics of projects is highly influenced by all sorts of factors, such as the cost of pipelines. Regulatory factors and many different things go into the economics of whether projects will go forward.
Yes, Canada could have been helping a lot more. On the question of whether we could have completely replaced Russia, I don't think that was ever really in the cards, but certainly Canada could have helped more.