Thank you.
You're correct that this cut has definitely had an impact. I'll give you one very concrete example.
My organization, the Canada Foodgrains Bank, does get support from the Canadian government to do humanitarian work, for which we're grateful.
We recently put a proposal in front of Global Affairs, asking for some extra money to do development work together with this humanitarian work. Basically, it was to complete the other half of that nexus, to help people get back on their feet again after the crisis. The folks we talked to at Global Affairs said, “This is a great idea. We'd love to be able to support it, but we're sorry; we have no money.”
We are hearing that from a number of other organizations like ours. They are coming to the government and saying, “We have these great solutions.” “We have these great proposals.” “We have trusted partners.” “We have a good track record.” “We know what we're doing.” They keep hearing, “Great idea. There's no money.” That's the impact.