Thank you for the question.
That is absolutely the case. As I said, Ukrainians want to build back better. We are already designing a system. We also have many questions about how transparent the process will be and how well it will be made. Anybody can now go to the website called, where all the reconstruction projects will be stored in one place. It's accessible to everyone, so anybody can see, at any moment, from a community launching the project until the end, what it looks like, who is implementing it and what the final result is.
The construction and building standards Ukraine has at the moment are okay. Of course, if we're building for the next generations.... This is something I was mentioning. For renewable energy, autonomous housing and so on, we don't yet have the examples to follow. We have the EU standards, which we need to implement in the coming years. It will be a big job now, of course, as Ukraine is following the path of integration into the EU. This is somewhere we need support. Think about any passive building, for example. The building does not consume energy thanks to renewables and so on, but we don't have a single example, yet, in Ukraine, of such a building.
If we want to build for the future, we need to be thinking together. We already have some great co-operation happening with some big, general plans being developed at the moment. For example, the southern region of Mykolayiv is working with Denmark on rebuilding the region and the city, which was heavily destroyed. Many public buildings were destroyed. They are rethinking the city. How do they rebuild it? How do they change the concept of what the city actually is? This is what we need, of course. Not all of the cities in Ukraine were destroyed. Many are still there. We have to be thinking about things like energy efficiency and so on.
One last thing is this: We have to be thinking about the new economy for Ukraine. This is why I mentioned the concept of the green economy, so Ukraine does not get stuck in things we have been producing already for many years or decades. It's to make sure we are moving forward. As to what that actually means, I don't think we have the clarity yet. This is why we need to have these conversations. International partners should also be able to contribute to making sure we understand what Ukraine could be producing—for us and for the world.
The reconstruction will be a big-scale project for everyone. This is also where we can get hands-on and see how this work development could fit in this new green economy.