Thank you.
I'm sorry to Professor Welsh that I'm stealing her thunder and her time.
This ties back into a previous question from a member.
I don't think it is time for a foreign policy review. I think that foreign policy reviews are necessary only when different elements of that department are speaking to one another, because the results of the review are often stale by the time they are published.
However, in this country when departments are not speaking to one another, that implicates one element of your question, and that is national security writ large. A national security policy review that implicated Global Affairs Canada in all sorts of different ways from research security to conflict to whatever else there might be and that also implicated all of the departments that collect intelligence around the country and all of the departments that deal with any security issue right now would be much more helpful. I'm not nearly as concerned with the results as I am with the process, because the process of forcing those departments to speak to one another to create a document on a timeline would meet many of your needs.
Yes, the review might be stale when it is published but I think the relationships that are built and the new understanding around the talent of how everybody does their business on shared files would be very helpful.