I'm sorry. I don't know what happened.
What I was going to answer for you is that I think the development of expertise in the areas of climate change and digital technology that were identified in that report speak to the need for GAC to be able to lead but also to convene. I think these will have to be cross-departmental expertise hubs going forward.
I would only say as an additional editorial point that I was surprised to see there was not as much identification of issues related to migration in particular and in stability. I thought that in addition to climate change and digital that might have been an area of cross-government support.
On your question about Canadian companies, I would simply conclude by saying that I think, as Canadians know, when companies act abroad, they are sometimes “Canada”, and that's how they are seen. I know, for example, that in some of the feedback I have provided on the feminist foreign policy that is being developed, we made this point very strongly. We need to consider how our companies operate globally as part of our overall footprint and influence, because sometimes that can actually be negatively affecting Canada's place in the world.