The answer is, yes, I think we need to give resources to foreign affairs in order to meet its important mission.
I've seen, over my time in government and since I left government, a steady reduction in the investment in global affairs. It's as though we can afford to cut it because no one will notice, or it won't make any difference. Well, it does make a difference. It makes a difference to have those missions in Africa. It makes a difference to have a full complement of people at the table when the multinational organizations meet and set new rules for the game. We have to be there and we have to be there in a way that is effective.
Yes, I do think we do need more investment. I think the report that came out of the Senate makes the same point, as well as the minister's “Future of Diplomacy” report.
On your second question, I think the first priority would be the multilateral organizations; that's where the rules are being made that are going to affect us. We have to have a strong presence at the UN, NATO and the other multilateral organizations that make a real difference.