Thank you very much, Chair.
Thank you very much for the briefing.
I was just in Yerevan in November, and I saw the reality on the ground of the 100,000 refugees in a region with 2.8 million people, which was difficult for them to do. They were looking for funding and help in housing refugees, and for food and medical supplies, especially for lots of the women refugees.
I was also in Vienna a week ago, where, of course, Armenia and Azerbaijan were, being two members of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe. They did what we do in question period. They yelled at each other a bit, but they weren't terribly angry. There was no hostility. The heads of state were there, and the people who came from the different political parties talked to each other.
What I understand, following up on what Mr. Aboultaif asked you, is that yes, the EU is playing a role—you are absolutely right. I heard, with no exception from both sides, that they did not want Russia involved at all. They were disappointed in Russia.
Of course, as you know, Armenia would not like Turkey there. What we have is that somebody has stepped up to the bar, and it's not Canada. It's Georgia. Georgia is seeking to play a role, because it understands what's going on since it's been occupied by Russia and it's been having all of the same problems within the Caucasus region. There is a sense that both sides wouldn't mind Georgia.
What is Georgia going to be able to do given that it's not really a major nation? It doesn't have a lot of money; it doesn't have a lot of anything. Would it just be able to make the talks happen because of the trust between both countries and Georgia? Is that a solution we could look to? Is that something to which we could say, “Let's encourage this”, even as Canada? I do know there is a sense from one side that the European Union is not impartial, so we have a lack of trust among all kinds of people.
Could Georgia play a role? Can they do heavy lifting? They have credibility at the OSCE PA. Do you think they could play a role in dealing with some of these issues, including the delineation of borders, because we know that's a big one?