Thank you.
I think it's very positive that you're reporting that among students today there is a desire to go into public service. I think there was a period of time when there was a lot of disparaging of public sector staff.
I personally have a lot of respect for them. I think it's a valuable contribution. A key to our public sector is that there not be the accusation of partisanship, and I note in the report that there has been a strong emphasis on being non-partisan and protecting merit, which I think we all value.
One particular issue I'd like to raise--this came up in my riding in Toronto--is about the federal student employment program. I was asked to come in and approve not hirings but the authorization to fund positions that were going to be offered for the summer. I asked about the criteria for this program.
I see you shaking your head. Maybe that's not usual, but I was asked to come in, and it seemed to me highly unusual that I would be looking at these, because we don't want them to be partisan.
But I also had questions about how the program works. I was told that the goal is to offer students workplace experience, summer work experience, especially targeting disadvantaged students. When I asked what it was based on, they said it was the census data from 2001, the number of students in the riding and the percentage of those who are unemployed--which seemed to me a very gross yardstick five years down the road. This is what I was told.
When I asked whether there was a requirement that these students be hired from within the riding, I was told there wasn't, and there was no particular outreach to the especially disadvantaged areas in my riding. Maybe I was misinformed, but it just seemed to me a strange way to go about implementing this kind of program.
I don't know whether I was misinformed. Maybe you could explain the goal of this program, because it does involve hiring.