Thank you very much. I would like to welcome our guests here today.
Just from the tone and tenor of my colleagues on both sides of the table, I think there may be a consideration we all might give a little thought to. It's certainly not the fault of anybody, but with the timing of the report—just out, and now here we are with the witnesses—none of us has had any time to evaluate seriously and in depth the entire report. In recognition that the public service is the direct link between government operations and the public, serving that crucial point where all of the activity and the interaction meet—government responsibilities, procedures and policies, the implementation, and/or the public use or misuse and/or availability.... It's crucial.
When we see the thousands and thousands of positions that are filled and the amazing level of responsibilities you have to administer this entire program, I really believe we cannot, in the space of an hour or two here today, do justice to the many concerns and/or points of interest that I think this committee should thoroughly evaluate. I'd just note that.
At the outset I can go to a dozen points I'd love to be able to run with and get some real feedback from you on right now, but I believe we should bring our witnesses back when we've had some time to digest some of this information and are able to follow it up to get some definitive answers. I'll just touch on two or three now.
I'd like to throw this out just to have my colleagues think about it, so that we might consider bringing our witnesses back when we've had more time to thoroughly see what's in here. I know Madame Thibault has, just on one issue alone, a great number of lingering concerns about why, after a generation, we have not made progress.
Let me just deal with a couple of points. On page 3 you made mention of “phantom” positions. That's really disturbing; of course, we've seen it before. On page 83 you elaborate a little on the phantom positions.
I think this is just absolutely wrong. What took place there was morally wrong. It shouldn't happen; it's not the way business should operate. I see that you have taken corrective action, and I commend you for that corrective action.
What I would like to know is where we stand now, so that this type of thing never happens again. As a matter of fact, I'd like to follow up on this, but maybe my colleagues will undertake it.
What are your thoughts on this?