Thank you.
I appreciate you being here this morning, Mr. Minister.
Certainly I have to follow up on my colleague from across the table. Of course he rants and he raves about particular household expenditures, and how a household might manage its expenditures.
I'll tell you a little story, Minister, and it goes like this. I'm married and we have a baby daughter, and there's a number one priority we have in our household, and that's to pay down our mortgage so that once our child reaches the age of getting her education we'll be able to pay for it because we won't be servicing the debt on our home. Certainly that has been the commitment that's been shown by this government, so we appreciate that you've been paying down the debt to ensure that future generations will be able to have the opportunities that all of us have had. So we do appreciate the investment that you've made by paying down the debt, because it will ensure that $650 million will come back into the government coffers ongoing from now into perpetuity.
But that isn't my major concern. I have to tell you a little story. I met with one of the literacy groups in our community, the Grande Prairie Council for Lifelong Learning, in Grande Prairie, which is the larger centre in my constituency. And the story goes a little bit like this. The group has been applying for money for several years and has been trying to get money. They're an organization that invests in communities by trying to teach people, through partnerships, through mentorships, to teach other people to read. These are older people, these are adults.
What this agency has told me, what this group of people has told me, is that in the past they have found it impossible to access federal dollars because all the federal dollars have been allocated for studies and studies and studies and studies. They said “We don't want one more study; we know that people have difficulty reading. We know who those people are. All we want is the money to be allocated into particular investments and just cut out the studies for now.”