Thank you, Madam Chair. I would just like to echo that our objective in doing these audits is to help improve management and give assurance to parliamentarians about whether important systems and practices are working well or if there needs to be improvement.
On the whole question of monitoring, the performance measurement is critical to that. Do departments have in place good performance measures? I think we need to all recognize that performance measurement in government, in the public sector, is much more complicated than it is in the private sector. In the private sector, the measures are largely financial, tend to be earnings per share or stock price, so the systems are perhaps easier in a way. As well, in government a lot of the programs need to run for a very long time before you actually see the results. It's difficult for government. There's the question of attribution. For example, was it the government's actions that reduced poverty, or were there other factors?
It is very complex to do that. Nevertheless, I think that's why it is so important. We've done a number of audits over the years on performance measurement. The government has made good progress generally over the last ten years, but it seems to have sort of stalled lately. In the last few years we note that they aren't making the same kind of progress, and if I can be so bold, I think there needs to be more attention paid by parliamentarians. The departments produce a lot of this information. But honestly, I think a lot of people--and parliamentarians--will say that the review of those documents is not being done--for good and valid reasons.
If I can make the comparison with the private sector, when you buy a share in a company, everybody receives the annual report and the financial statements. I'm not sure everybody reads those cover to cover. You have a stockbroker who does the analysis for you and basically says buy or sell, or here's our recommendation.
I think parliamentarians may need a more rigorous analysis section, be it through the Library of Parliament or others--I know there has been discussion around that--that could help them do the analysis of the performance reports, and then they would be better able to question and to query departments about their performance.
So I think it's something we have to look at, and it has to be resolved. But there needs to be the pull from parliamentarians in order to improve the performance measurement system in government as well.