I will slow down. I am excited about the program.
Go Green Plus, as I indicated, is a more in-depth benchmarking tool that uses the web-based Green Globes system, and the data is gathered online. When an organization participates in the program, they are signing up for three-year access to this online survey. So they can participate and continue to go back and assess their improvements as they go along. The key point is that it enables the participants to participate in the process, as I said.
The other part of the online system involves portfolio management. So a group of buildings, including the Public Works portfolio, for example, can be measured against each other and measured against industry standards as well. So it is not isolated, building-specific.
The program identifies savings, and it can certainly provide the basis for strategic decisions on how to improve performance.
I included a quote on page 10 from one of the building participants, which is CREIT Management, on the measured savings they have seen from participation in the program. I am not going to go into the brief and the statistical information that Thomas did, because that is representative. But in this case, this particular building site had significant savings from a reduction in water consumption, decreased landfill waste, and increased recycling by over 30%. So those are tangible results.
On Public Works and Government Services Canada's involvement, obviously we are just delighted to have had the opportunity to work with government on that. We think that's showing a leadership role, and that's certainly our objective in delivering the program. And we think it is the right thing to do to have public and private merge for the same purpose.
I thank you for the opportunity. I am sorry for talking so fast.