In terms of the retail sector that you mentioned, over the past couple of decades, I guess, there's been more and more outsourcing of retail service to private franchises and drugstores and video stores, and things like that, at the expense of the corporate outlets. What we were able to do through this Appendix T, this joint committee that I've talked about, is to carry out experiments in terms of expanding hours at corporate outlets and expanding services at corporate outlets. That's been the criticism of the corporate outlets, that they're only open from, say, 9 o'clock until 5 o'clock, and that people who work during the day aren't able to get their parcels in the evening, like they can at the local mall or the drugstore, when there's a private sector outlet. So through Appendix T, we've been able to put in place initiatives where you can get expanded hours in the evenings and on the weekends in corporate retail outlets.
As for the types of services that are provided, we've recently started providing passport photos and applications at post offices, applications for student loans, more and more packaging material and places to actually wrap your parcels before you send them, and things like that. Through Appendix T, we've been able to make a number of the corporate outlets more responsive to the customer's needs and better able to compete with the private post offices.
We had one experiment where, for example, we put a corporate post office in a Loblaws store in Toronto, and that was tremendously successful. It was open the same hours as the Loblaws store and it was at the very front of the store. It was tremendously successful, with a lot of revenues for Canada Post. And we operationalized that experiment. That's the beauty of Appendix T, that you get to test the initiative with no risk to the corporation, and then, if it's a success, you operationalize it and roll it out across the country.
So those are some of the retail initiatives that we've been able to look at. For a while Canada Post was excited about the retail initiatives. I remember a couple of years ago going to these blue-skies meetings, where they were talking about really making the retail sector vibrant and really expanding and putting in place these flagship stores. Then all of a sudden, just like that, they went in the opposite direction. Two weeks ago we got 22 notices in the Toronto area for new private sector franchises—22 on one day—at the same time they're eliminating 17 full-time, unionized wicket positions in the corporate outlets.