Thank you. I just wanted to comment before I get to my last question. I'm glad to hear that Mr. Angus is considering recognizing the value of private enterprise and working along with the heritage people to preserve their assets.
Personally, I would say I would be more than willing to look at a proposal for some way of studying how we could develop some type of partnership. I think the primary player in this one would have to be municipal or provincial government, but I would certainly be willing to look at a proposal that would incorporate those three levels of government, whether it be a tax break on property taxes, as you suggested, or whatever other kinds of initiatives we could pursue.
I did come back to my third question, and the reason I couldn't find it was that it related to your second recommendation, statutory protection.
Now, I just picked up on a bit of the conversation about a draft bill. Is that the draft bill you were referring to when you answered the previous question, or was that a different issue you were speaking to?