Madam Chair, we are indeed fully aware of the situation raised by Mr. Nadeau.
To date, we have addressed a good portion of the files, but we have found that some are more complex than others, because it comes down to different interpretations where the employee and management do not necessarily agree. We are therefore in the process of resolving these matters.
In fact, we asked management to provide us with a complete list of employee files that were not yet fully resolved. We have made considerable progress and we now see that a small number of cases—29, as you mentioned, out of a total of 13,000 employees—remain to be fully resolved.
One of my biggest concerns was indeed the loss of documents. Compensation problems recently raised by employees stemmed from the fact that compensation services did not have the necessary documentation to carry out pay transactions. This led us to contact managers to remind them of their responsibility to submit the paperwork in advance—they know that an employee will be joining their team—or at the very least, on time.
In some instances, more stringent measures were taken, for example, when students were hired. We know that from time to time, students are hired. All of the paperwork is assembled and submitted to an officer for quick processing.
To resolve the overtime issue, a sticking point in particular among blue collar workers, we are in the process of automating the system. At present, all transactions are done on paper and the manager must sign the document, which is then forwarded to compensation services. Often, documents get misplaced along the way.
We are looking at ways for employees to enter data in the computerized system, so that it is conveyed directly to PWGSC's compensation services. That way, there is no actual paperwork and hence, fewer opportunities to lose data and make mistakes. Transactions will be processed much faster. We are hoping to have this system up and running by the beginning or middle of 2008. It will improve the situation, because indeed, this is one area that still requires some work.
I hope that answers your question.