Yes. This was suggested to us by Mr. Delisle who appeared before the committee yesterday. I'd like to summarize my take on these lengthy discussions.
RCMP members can surely empathize with Mr. Delisle. Right away, he noted that until quite recently, collective agreements contained a number of orphan clauses. In other words, in order to secure certain advantages, union members—and we saw this with police unions as well—accepted agreements where new members would not have the same advantages as older ones. This practice was widely criticized and ultimately abandoned.
Mr. Delisle views the current situation as an offshoot of this practice. Back when he was an RCMP cadet, he and his fellow cadets were paid and contributed to the superannuation plan. Upon retirement, the months in training were taken into account in the calculation of the number of years of service. At some point, all that changed. He said he understood the concern for fairness. Obviously, there were far more cadets than actual graduates from the academy. Therefore, it was unfair to make those who didn't graduate contribute to the superannuation plan, even though they would not benefit from it. To rectify this situation, it was suggested that rather than pay the cadets, they be provided with a weekly honorarium of $500. Consequently, when the time came to calculate the pensions of new officers, they were not given credit for the six months of training, unlike the officers who had graduated before them.
This is what I mean when I say it resembles an orphan clause. The time has come to correct this injustice whereby the six months of training undergone by new RCMP cadets are not credited toward pensionable service, whereas they are credited in the case of members of other police forces who join the RCMP. New RCMP cadets will not be credited for these six months, whereas officers from other forces who join the RCMP will be credited for their time in basic training.
It's time to correct this anomaly. It is truly not fair that RCMP officers are deemed to have six months less seniority than officers from other police forces who join the RCMP later on in their career.
I'd like to call to mind the suggestion made by Mr. Delisle. He proposed that clause 9 of the bill be amended by the addition at the end of section 31.1 of the Act of the following: “[must] apply also to RCMP members in respect of service spent as cadets at the RCMP Academy in Deport Division for the purpose of becoming a constable“.
Of course, this amendment would not recognize cadets as having participated in the superannuation plan if they have not contributed to it. The purpose of the Act is to give cadets an opportunity to buy back, at an opportune moment, the contributions that may not have been deducted, given that during their six months of training, they were paid an honorarium, not a salary.
This is exactly in keeping with the spirit of the act. It would mean that the pensions of all eligible RCMP members would be calculated in exactly the same way. This method would also be used to calculate the pensions of new officers recruited from other police forces.