I'm not sure if I'll take up my full eight minutes, Mr. Chair, so maybe one of my colleagues ought to be prepared just in case.
I have a couple of questions I'm intrigued by, although I'm not sure if they'll pertain totally to small and medium enterprises. On page 115, there is an expenditure there that could be in thousands of dollars, although I would be shocked if that were the case, because the amount listed is $99,550,000. It's for contributions to the Canadian Television Fund.
I guess I'll ask a series of questions. What exactly are we getting for $99 million, or just short of $100 million, for the Canadian Television Fund?
Another question I have goes back to page 49, where we have $142,520,208 for the Canadian International Development Agency. There, I guess one of the questions that comes to the top of my mind is in regard to a young man I remember from when I was chair of the veterans affairs committee. He had lost his leg to an improvised explosive device in Afghanistan, and he was looking for about $135,000 for the replacement of one limb and a portion of the other. I wonder if we divided $142,520,208 by $135,000, how many limbs that would buy, because he still hadn't received that funding.
I'm also intrigued by page 163 dealing with Industry Canada, where we originally had close to $637 million allocated for grants. That amount went up by another $85 million, or close to $86 million, for a grand total of close to $723 million in grants.
I'm intrigued why there are so many more grants in Industry Canada.
Those are my three questions off the top.