Maybe they could insulate their cave, that's right.
I notice that vote 15, or the bulk of what you have to come to ask for approval for today, is wages. I'm interested in this. Again as a former union leader, I'm glad to see that we're still paying out wage increases, even though we are going into a near-record deficit. We should all be mindful of how the previous Liberal government dealt with their deficit. They froze the wages of the public service for seven years, and then they harvested, if you will, the $30 billion surplus in the Public Service Pension Plan and put it to paying down the debt, instead of divvying it up amongst the pensioners—the beneficiaries of the plan, who thought it was money being held for them. The former President of the Treasury Board, Marcel Massé, in his last act as president—I won't use the word “stole”—took that $30 billion without sharing or any kind of negotiations, such as that maybe it should be 50-50 between employer and employee. They took it all.
I caution you that we are watching very carefully how the government is going to deal with the staggering deficit they have created and will have to deal with, come next year. We certainly hope and we serve notice that we expect the government to find some more creative way than taking it off the backs of their employees or out of the pension benefits from the beneficiaries of the Public Service Pension Plan.