It would be through Mr. Gillani's schemes and the way this system works and plays.
I believe it's you, sir, who has a very good source for some of this information. I think you asked Mr. Gillani about the Skias deal. It struck a note. Not many people knew about the Skias business deal, but let me use that as the example of how Mr. Jaffer would then be compensated in this scheme.
Am I correct, sir, that it was you who asked Mr. Gillani about the Skias business arrangement? No, I see that it was Mr. Martin.
Skias was supposed to be a 100-million-share shell deal from a U.S. company. It would then be rolled out to supposed investors in a pump-and-dump scheme at $1 a share, so it was a $100 million business venture. I'm sure we've all seen documents on these types of legal activities; they're copious, and Greenpeace has a fit over the number of trees that are cut for paper.
This is Mr. Gillani's business deal for the $100 million deal: it's one page long, it's four paragraphs, and it's how to obtain the shell corporation.
The shares in that shell corporation are then distributed to nominee account holders, the purpose of which is to avoid the regulations in the securities industry for disclosing more than 10% ownership. Mr. Gillani constructed this list of nominee shareholders by which people would receive shares in the company, and they included principals in the actual corporation. What Mr. Gillani forgot to do when he did this deal was to include himself as a person receiving shares, but all of his nominee shareholders, their children, and various holding companies, etc., are on this list.
This is how Mr. Jaffer would have made money. I think the reference that the Toronto Star reported on was Wright Tech. If we take Wright Tech as an example and say that they're rolled into a shell deal, what would then happen is that a corporation or an individual account at an investment firm or at an offshore bank would be established, and stock in that company would be deposited into those accounts and then sold into the public market during the promotion phase of the market manipulation activity. That's how Mr. Jaffer could be compensated. It would be in accordance with Mr. Gillani's previous schemes.