We're back to the dollar figures. Let me just say on behalf of the people in Winnipeg that I represent that they are shocked, horrified, and disappointed at the staggering, seemingly reckless and irresponsible spending associated with this summit. For the record, I believe the government was so bound and determined they weren't going to be embarrassed and they wanted to put on a good show that they ignored the fact that we're at a $58 billion deficit and blew a billion dollars on a three-day party of very questionable value to anybody any time.
Notwithstanding the cheerleading over on that side, the people on this side think it was a big mistake. We don't blame you for that, sir. We think you were given an almost impossible job, frankly, when that was plunked into the middle of Toronto.
I have a hard time understanding how you can say if it were in a venue that was easier to secure, the protests would still have taken place in downtown Toronto. What leads you to say that? What intelligence--