Chief, thank you for being here. I know you've been dragged through a number of committees and interviews lately, and you're not finished even now.
Contrary to what Paul says, I don't think anybody ever thought that somehow one of the regional police forces, or your police force, was trying to pad their expenses or something to benefit, but we are genuinely concerned, as I think representatives of the taxpayers should be concerned, at $1.3 billion for a three-day conference. We're staggering in trying to understand how you can spend that amount of money. Your figures that you brought to us today--we knew that global figure of $124.8 million.
There was testimony that the RCMP spent $546 million in that same period of time. I did the math, and that would buy the services of 500,000 RCMP officers for a three-day period at their normal $40 per hour rate of pay, or whatever it is. We know there weren't 500,000 RCMP officers; there might have been 4,000 or 5,000. So the numbers for lay people like us who don't deal with the costs of security...on behalf of taxpayers we're trying to understand how this could possibly happen.
Can you give me the total number of municipal police who were involved in the week or 10-day total time period? For that $124 million, how many officers does that represent?