Thank you very much.
In your report this morning you talked about the infrastructure program and you said that a large number of projects will not be complete by the March 31, 2011, dateline, and that, from a response to an order paper question, 1,054 out of the 3,193 infrastructure projects will not likely be completed by December of this year, meaning that by the March deadline we may have upwards of, say, 1,000 projects not yet complete.
As you know, the Minister of Finance, Mr. Flaherty, has said that the deadline will not be extended. The minister responsible for infrastructure has given some indication that maybe they'll be a little soft on the deadline; they're in discussions.
Under these estimates, the Office of Infrastructure of Canada is seeking funding of $184.2 million for the municipal rural infrastructure fund and $166.5 million for the Building Canada fund; yet the Infrastructure Canada performance report says that the government failed to deliver 75% of the action plan money.
With that money still on the table, why are they asking for more money? Perhaps you can comment on the additional request, since you've done some review of it, as well as on the concern about the March 31 deadline.
Thank you.