Thank you very much to you and to the committee.
I apologize. I had to be away for some of your presentation, Madam Fraser.
Madam Fraser, in your brief to us today, you point out quite rightly that the Parliament buildings are the centrepiece of our national political life. The site, the style, and the building layout were designed to convey an image of ceremony and order. The difficulty we have is that the renovations now have become a metaphor for waste and indolence, and even corruption, and we observe an element of incompetence, not due to the individuals involved, but perhaps it's that there are just too many chefs spoiling the soup.
We in this committee have been studying the fact that the renovations of the West Block have turned from a fiasco to a farce. Everything on Parliament Hill.... I come from a construction background. I'm a carpenter by trade. Everything on Parliament Hill costs 10 times as much and takes 10 times as long as building something in the real world.
I mean, there was that building we had to cancel because of cost overruns, which would have solved all of our committee room problems. The cost was getting up to $350 million. We just built a full, huge, 350-bed hospital in Winnipeg for $280 million, and office buildings don't cost as much as hospitals. For some reason, things are completely out of whack here. I appreciate and I agree with you that this long-standing government problem has to be resolved.
Just as an example for my colleagues here, I think a lot of Canadians would be shocked to learn that we're actually tenants in our own house here. We're not masters of our own house. We have to ask permission to do anything. I tried to have the flag lowered when a Canadian soldier was killed overseas. The reason that we couldn't wasn't because of any lack of political will: it was because we have no control over when the flag is raised and lowered. That's done by Public Works and Government Services and therefore we have no say.
It's time for a tenants' revolt. We should take back direction and control of our Parliament buildings so it's by Parliament, because the other guys, frankly, have messed it up to the point that it's an untenable situation.
I know I've missed some of the questioning. This question may have been asked, but from a best practices point of view, do you have any model internationally, in other jurisdictions, that you prefer over others?