Then you should walk off the job tomorrow. Every day they double-bunk these guys in your jail, you should tell your members “Down tools, we're going home.” Stick it to them.
Stick it to them, because you've got them right here. You've got them right by the knackers, right now.
They need you. They need you more than you need them. They need you desperately because they've bankrolled everything. Everything they stand for now is embodied by a prison.
The prisons are nothing without the prison guards. You're their saving grace. You're their hope. Their dream to a majority government is to build more prisons and have them staffed by you.
But you, as a representative of the worker, should not tolerate this unsafe work. I was our union rep, and I would have told my guys to get out of there now: “Down tools. We'll come back when it's safe.”
What do you think?