Yes, I am. Thank you.
Good afternoon, Mr. Chairman and members of the committee. Thank you for inviting me here today to speak about our company's experience with the Canadian innovation commercialization program.
I'll begin with a few words about our company. Bubble Technology Industries was founded in 1988 and is located in the rural area of Chalk River, Ontario, which is about two hours west of Ottawa.
We are a rather unique, 50-person company, fully Canadian-owned, and we provide products, services, and research primarily in the areas of radiation detection and explosives detection.
Although we are a small company, we have a big footprint. We have more than 400 customers in 25 different countries and have conducted more than 100 research programs for customers around the world and here at home. Our technology has been used to protect people and infrastructure at many major events, including the U.S. presidential inauguration, the Super Bowl, the World Series, and the Olympics. Our radiation detectors were used in Japan to protect workers in the recent Fukushima power plant recovery efforts. Our technology has flown on more than a dozen space missions to support research aimed at protecting astronauts from radiation hazards and is equally used to protect nuclear submariners when they are deployed undersea.
These achievements are made possible by an outstanding team of people with whom I have the privilege to work. Our staff is highly trained and highly skilled, with multi-disciplinary expertise in science, engineering, and manufacturing. Our ability to generate a spark of an idea and then carry that idea through all the stages of research, development, production, and deployment is the foundation of our success.
We became aware of the CICP pilot program in September 2010 when the Office of Small and Medium Enterprises launched the initiative. We assessed our technology portfolio at the time and submitted a proposal in November 2010 for an innovative radiation-detecting speed bump that had been developed through internal company investment but had not yet been brought to the commercial market. In particular, the technology addressed the CICP priority area of "safety and security" by providing authorities with a simple-to-use, effective method of screening vehicles for radioactive materials. In February 2011 we were notified that our submission had been selected as a pre-qualified proposal.
As you have previously heard, an innovation selected by CICP must then be matched with a federal test department, which represents a potential end user of the innovation. We were fortunate, in that several federal departments expressed their interest in the technology. Ultimately, we were matched with the RCMP as the test department. At present, we have worked through the necessary contract discussions with PWGSC and are anticipating the contract award shortly.
The project itself will be 15 months in duration and includes testing of initial prototypes by the RCMP in order to solicit some early end-user feedback on the technology. We will use this feedback to identify and drive modifications to the design as necessary, and the RCMP will then have the opportunity to assess the prototypes through a second round of testing to ensure that the technology meets their operational needs.
As a company that essentially makes its living through innovation and technology exploitation, we have recognized for many years that there is a funding gap in Canada between research and commercialization. Canada has a number of programs that encourage and incentivize research; however, the mandate of many of these programs ends before the technology has actually been commercially exploited, and more importantly, before the technology has actually been transferred to the users who need it.
In our particular industry, which is geared towards defence and security applications, the lack of funding programs to carry the technology that last leg of the journey means that there are first responders and military personnel who are not receiving the benefit of the latest technological advancements as quickly as they could.
In addition, this funding gap means that Canada is not reaping the full economic benefits of technology commercialization, including the creation of high-quality jobs and the benefits associated with strong commercial exports.
From our perspective, the creation of the Canadian innovation commercialization program is a step in the right direction. It recognizes the value of carrying innovations all the way to market and it connects companies with federal departments, who can provide useful feedback on an emerging product and can potentially serve as reference buyers to support international sales efforts.
We sincerely hope that CICP will have an opportunity to continue and to expand. At the moment, the demand for the program appears to far outstrip the available resources. Even a relatively small company like ours will typically have several technologies at any given time whose commercial exploitation could be accelerated if the resources were available.
As the program evolves, there are three key considerations to bear in mind: innovation does take time; commercialization also takes time; but the faster you can do both, the greater the competitive advantage.
Rapid time to market is critical if we want to compete effectively on the world stage, and time to market can be accelerated when companies can leverage efficient, stable, multi-year funding programs supporting technology exploitation.
Thank you for the opportunity to share our thoughts on the program. I'm happy to answer any questions the committee may have.