On the first question, certainly there is evidence that subcontracting happens. It is primarily in the construction industry, however. The amount of goods and services the federal government purchases in a year are $15 billion. I think some of that should be accessible in a fair and equal way to small and medium-sized companies as well. They shouldn't only be subsumed to big subcontractors and larger companies.
Part of that is, as we are talking about today, to encourage growth of entrepreneurship. We believe, of course, that the federal government, through its procurement program, cannot only push innovation, but it can also push entrepreneurship. The only way you can do that is if you make sure those contracts are accessible to companies that want to bid.
I don't want to say it's happening all the time, but there are instances where these bundling contracts are coming out, and we're not really sure why they've decided to sort of bundle them together as they have. We have seen anecdotally over and over again that it doesn't necessarily mean the government is going to save money in the end. I think that's the answer to your first question.
I'm not 100% sure what criteria the U.S. use, but we can look into it and get back to you. My understanding is that they basically take a look at the type of product, commodity, or service available, and whether it can be delivered by smaller companies as well. So they look at what's out there in the market and whether it is something that can only really be delivered by maybe two or three large companies. Defence contracts are the ultimate example. Generally those have to be big. There are only so many companies that can actually bid on them.
A few years ago there was bundling of office furniture contracts. There was bundling of office products. These are things that don't necessarily have to be bundled. There are lots of companies across Canada that are capable of delivering those types of services. I think that's what we're talking about. It's about looking at what the market can deliver. If there are smaller companies out there that can deliver it, then it makes more sense to perhaps try to break it up a little bit.