Thank you, Mr. Chair and honourable members of the committee.
I am here with Hélène Laurendeau, Senior Vice-President, Policy Branch, and Elizabeth Murphy-Walsh, Vice-President, Audit and Data Services Branch. We are here to discuss the Public Service Commission's 2010-2011 Annual Report and its audit reports for 2011, which were tabled in Parliament earlier this week.
The PSC is an independent body accountable to Parliament for safeguarding the integrity of staffing in the public service and the non-partisanship of the public service. The PSC is free from ministerial direction in the exercise of its executive authorities for hiring and non-partisanship, but it is accountable to Parliament. We report annually to Parliament on our activities and results and we welcome the opportunity to discuss them with your committee.
The PSC's 2010-2011 Annual Report covers the fifth year of operation under the Public Service Employment Act. As of March 2011, there were 83 organizations, representing over 216,000 individuals, to which the PSC has delegated its appointment authority.
There was no growth in the core public service in 2010-2011, as compared to 3.4% in the previous year. We saw less recruitment, especially new permanent hires, with no change in departures. Fewer young employees joined the public service in 2010-2011, and, for the first time in a decade, there was a decrease in the number of employees under 35 years old.
Although there is less hiring, there is still significant intake. Over 1,250 students entered the public service through post-secondary recruitment as opposed to nearly 1,650 the year before.
There was a marked reduction in not only hiring, but also internal staffing activities—15.2%—compared to last year.
The government has entered a period of fiscal restraint. There will be pressures on the staffing system. We see continuing interest in public service jobs—but it will be for fewer jobs.
The PSC is responsible for managing a priority program for displaced employees in the federal public service. Our legislation provides for a priority person to be appointed ahead of all others to vacant positions in the public service, if the person meets the essential qualifications of the position. This program is important in providing fairness to displaced employees, and we need to make sure that it works well. An evaluation identified areas for strengthening the program, and we are making a number of changes to make it more robust and rigorous.
In addition, our analysis of 19 audits over the past two years showed that in 11 % of appointments, problems were identified in obtaining priority clearance. As well, proper use and better planning of both the permanent and contingent workforces are essential to ensuring that managers are able to respond to their needs in a flexible way, while respecting the values in the PSEA. We believe, however, that targeted hiring must continue to ensure succession in the public service and to maintain a public service that delivers results for Canadians.
I would like to now turn to our overall assessment. Based on our oversight activities in 2010-11, we have concluded that overall, merit is being respected in the staffing system. And our audits show that managers are doing a better job of applying the merit test. Organizational performance in the management of staffing continues to improve. We saw positive trends in hiring strategies, which better support staffing priorities, as well as improved HR capacity. However, we have concerns about the quality control of appointment processes, the lack of appropriate assessment and documentation of merit, and the poor rationales for non-advertised appointment processes.
In addition, there continues to be a small proportion of cases where merit has not been met. This is usually the result of error, omission, or improper conduct. As well, there are still too many cases where merit is not demonstrated in the staffing files or other organizational records.
The PSC continues to be concerned about employees' perceptions of the fairness of the overall staffing process. About a quarter of employees persistently feel that the overall process is not at all fair, or fair only to some extent. We are also concerned that the continued low rate of external appointments for persons with disabilities will have a negative consequence for their representation in the public service over the long term.
With respect to non-partisanship, we find that a small proportion of public servants are politically active. In 2010-11, the PSC received 94 candidacy requests from public servants. Still, we are concerned that public servants are not well informed about their rights and responsibilities with regard to political activities. We believe that more effort is required to properly safeguard this core value.
Now, I would like to turn to our audits. This year the commission examined 11 organizations, and it placed additional conditions only on the delegation of the staffing authorities at the Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages. The commissioner has provided an action plan that outlines how they will respond to the audit recommendations, and they will also provide semi-annual reports on how the plan has been implemented. The PSC has removed the conditions placed upon Health Canada and some of the conditions on the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, following their past audits.
Following a 2009 audit, the PSC and the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada reached an agreement with respect to the auditing of additional appointments, the conduct of investigations, and corrective actions. A report on this agreement was also tabled in Parliament. The PSC found improvements in their staffing practices; however, the IRB has not accepted the conclusions of the majority of the investigations completed by the PSC. Any decision not to respond to the results of an investigation or not to undertake appropriate corrective measures undermines the integrity of the staffing system. Instead of removing all of their staffing authorities, we are now moving forward with a process whereby the PSC would carry out investigations and order corrective actions in the internal processes at the IRB.
As we move forward, the PSEA values will be as important as ever. With fewer opportunities, each appointment decision takes on more significance relative to the integrity of the system as a whole. The PSC's oversight activities provide important information about the integrity of the staffing system and assurance to Parliament that the core and guiding values are being met.
The PSC will also continue to work with members of this committee as well as other parliamentarians, deputy heads, bargaining agents and other stakeholders to ensure that the staffing system is responsive to the changing operational and fiscal context, and that staffing values continue to be respected.
My term as president has been extended until a replacement is found. PSC is committed to supporting a smooth transition to a new commission over the coming months. We'll continue to ensure that Canadians benefit from a professional public service in which merit and non-partisanship are independently protected.
Thank you.
I would be pleased to respond to any questions you may have.