Sure. As the finance minister has indicated, it has had an impact on revenues, there's no question about it. The economy has slowed down. The projection for next year is down to what I believe is still quite robust growth, in G-7 terms, of 2.1% growth. But that's down from the 2.9% GDP growth that was originally targeted by private sector economists.
There has been an impact of the eurozone crisis and the debt ceiling crisis in the United States. It's never good when you're describing events as crises, but that's the reality of the situation.
Having said that, Minister Flaherty indicated our government's position, which is that we will make changes to deal with these issues as they come due. That's what the fall economic statement did, but at the same time we still have as a goal the balancing of our budget within the 2014-15 timeline, if that is possible.
We will continue to make the decisions that will allow us to spend within our means. Canadians expect that because that helps us grow jobs in the private sector and keep a low tax jurisdiction.