I would say yes, very much so.
At the service desk, for instance, we'd measure exactly common things, such as how long somebody was on the phone, how long each call took, and how many calls were coming in. We'd measure how good our knowledge records were, meaning that when you get a call, what was the quality of the answer? Is it something brand new, or have we come across it before, and if so, is there a record there for it? We certainly measure things across the board, such as our network response. We'll measure all kinds of response times at various stages of our network.
It's quite difficult, sometimes, to measure an end to end; it's hard sometimes to actually get a measurement of when you hit enter and it goes off and comes back and then something happens. Because there are so many parts involved, it's sometimes technically quite difficult to actually come up with those numbers, but we've done it as much as we can. We measure it on a monthly basis and we publish it on a monthly basis. It's a very important part for us.