I would say that it's the size of some of the products that we have to run. For instance, we have one of the largest Microsoft Exchange instances in Canada. We and the Royal Bank seem to battle it out a little bit for who's the biggest. I think we are; it's not something we're terribly proud of, but we are.
I would say we're always aware that consolidating exposes more; by that, I mean you're actually a lot more aware of your usage and what you're actually doing with it. When you're spread out across the map and you haven't really got a good control on what your assets are, it's quite likely that things are happening that you're not even aware of. When you consolidate things into one place, you can see them all and measure them. It's mostly good stuff, but occasionally you will come across something, either from a scale perspective or perhaps from the pure knowledge perspective of knowing you've got that much, that can have ramifications for you. You're a lot more knowledgeable about your environment because you can see it.
That's generally good. There's sometimes a downside to it, but generally it's an upside.