Thank you very much. I just wanted to check.
I would also like to ask some questions about capital expenditures. In the entire Main Estimates—and this especially affects PWGSC—the capital expenditures should decrease by about $430 million in 2012-2013, a decrease of 6%. If you take into account the drop of $780 million seen in 2011-2012, the authorizations requested today are 4% lower than the authorizations requested before the Economic Action Plan was created.
Generally, when costs and capital expenses are decreased, the problem is generally put off and future generations are made to pay for things that should have been done today. The infrastructures continue to deteriorate and always need to be maintained and always need to be renovated. Their life expectancy won't be longer because we cut back on maintenance; no, it will be shorter.
How do you explain these major cuts when we should be taking care of the future of our infrastructures?