Thank you.
As you may recall, on March 1 officials were before this committee to present the supplementary estimates (C)--$920 million with the voted appropriations. When Parliament was dissolved on March 26 prior to supplementary estimates (C) being voted on, we were immediately driven by the Financial Administration Act, section 30. That is the section that dictates what we do for supply when Parliament is dissolved for the purposes of a general election.
The first question we had was whether we would need a Governor General's special warrant for the last fiscal year, knowing that if we did need one it would have to be issued by the Governor General no later than March 31. So we very quickly had to go through the material in supplementary estimates (C). We knew we had the $920 million of requests in that. We knew there had been no notices of opposition motions tabled.
We got back to departments. The first thing was, could they defer, and there were certain things that could be deferred--not many. Second, could they manage internally using any appropriation? If you'll recall, the test for a Governor General's special warrant is that it must be required urgently for the public good, which means core operations, but also there must be no other appropriation available from which to make that expenditure. So departments could, within their existing voted appropriations, if they had any funds available that were within that same vote, put those funds towards those needs.
The second test--and after that when departments had done their internal management--was to determine if we had other appropriations in the Government of Canada that could be used to meet those needs. For this I'm moving into the Treasury Board central votes. The central vote that we did have some funds available in was Treasury Board vote 5, which is the contingencies. We were able to administer $519 million from vote 5 to cover specific items in the supplementary estimates (C).
That included, for example, the Nortel purchase--for Public Works to purchase for DND; payment to Veterans Affairs Canada to cover the ex gratia payments for the Agent Orange; and a payment to AECL for their operating pressures.
At the end of the day, we were able to meet the requirements of supplementary estimates (C) by drawing on existing allocations--Treasury Board central votes--so we did not have to resort to Governor General's special warrants for that period.