Thank you very much, Mr. Chair.
I would like to welcome our guests. Thank you for being here today.
This has been an extremely informative and, I must admit, slightly overwhelming presentation in terms of the various strategies and programs that we have in place when it comes to meeting the targets we've set for 2020.
Mr. McBain, in your opening comments you spoke about the Office of Greening Government Operations, and that its focal point is to serve, in its efforts directed at managing federal operations, in a more sustainable manner, and to work with other government departments to accelerate the greening of government operations as a whole.
I know that throughout the Qs and As here, many comments have been made in terms of the role you play in providing leadership as well as sharing best practices.
Ms. Buckley, I think you mentioned that your client base is made up of the various departments, and that one of the things you do is provide options to the various levels of decision-makers. Often they may have a particular interest in a particular technology.
I guess where I'm going is that I wonder if you would speak to the human resources aspect, and also to whether or not there is an educational or training component in the mandate of the Office of Greening Government Operations or in the work that you do.