I would be pleased to answer. Thank you for the question.
I mentioned Workplace 2.0 in my remarks, which is about a modern approach to office accommodation. I personally hate the cube farm. We've all seen the Dilbert cartoons, and we have floors of it that were built in the seventies. Workplace 2.0 is about bringing in a different approach: much more open, more natural light, a lot fewer walls, and creating space for collaboration. As the public service renews and we hire generation X and generation Y, they love the space. It's the boomers who are sort of clinging to the walls and the cubes because that's what we grew up with. The new space is open. You can literally see window to window across a floor. I can't remember when we could see that in other space.
What I see in terms of the new recruits, new employees with the public service, is that they very much embrace it and they really enjoy the space. From that part of what we do, we see a high take-up and a high level of satisfaction.