Thank you for the question.
If we continue with the Olympic Games analogy, we do not have just one project on the go, we have several. If you walk along Wellington Street, you will see all the scaffolding. Several projects are happening.
There are a number of reasons why we need several years for the West Block project. First, we took out the hazardous materials and gutted the interior. That needed a lot of time. We have approved methodologies, but gutting buildings like that takes a lot of time. Additionally, in spite of all the lessons we have learned, when some walls are opened up, we realize that there is more work to be done than we thought. We built it into our contingencies, but the demolition takes an extremely long time.
There is something else that takes a lot of time—rehabilitating the masonry. Earlier, we showed you some photographs. The masonry must be removed stone by stone in almost 50% of the building. That means we need experienced masons. We take photographs of the wall, we take out the cement, we remove the stone and, from time to time, we can see that the structure is beginning to fall apart. It all has to be scraped clean and—because it is a historic building—the stones have to be numbered so that they can be put back in the same place. We redo the interior wall, we redo the exterior wall, and, if some stones have rotted, we cut new ones from the large blocks we have already bought. Then we put the new stones in place to be uniform. We put it back in the same state and the same original position. That is the historical option. That is how historic buildings have to be renovated. It takes time. We do the exterior masonry work first; then we do the interior masonry work.
There is another reason we need more time. We are also going to have to rehabilitate the brickwork in the interior court. Then we will have to start building. Some things can be done together, other things cannot. We have to make sure that the interior masonry has been completed before we can start building the roof and the columns. It takes time, expert workers and specific skills because it is a huge building.
In fact, we do not see the period from 2011 to 2017 as being so long after all.