Thank you very much. That concludes our time.
Denis, thank you very much.
On behalf of the whole committee, I want to thank you, Monsieur Mongeau, and your guests, for briefing us. I think I can speak for the committee when I say we recognize what a massive undertaking this is and how very complex it is to do renovation and restoration of occupied space. It's a challenge. It's really quite unprecedented, and I know that you're doing as good a job as humanly possible.
I would like to invite you back some day to speak more about the idea of whether Parliament should take over control of the parliamentary precinct once again, as has been recommended by a variety of sources. That will have to be a subject for another day.
Thank you very much for your presentation and for bringing your architectural models with you today.
We're going to briefly suspend the meeting and reconvene in an in camera session.
Thank you very much.