I'll start.
The major barrier I see to that is what's called an agency problem, where you have somebody, or one institution, responsible for capital expenditures and another, maybe in the same department but a different part of the ministry, who is responsible for operating costs. We see this with landlords and tenants in the residential sector. We see it in office buildings.
The person responsible for making the upfront investment does not get the return on investment, because it's the operator or the tenant who gets that. That is why it's a major feature of the green lease that REALpac has. You try to overcome that agency problem.
I would suggest that's part of it. I think Mr. Rogers referred to that, where people know what they should be doing, but there's that head office in Toronto saying it's sort of a drag; we're sort of paying the same amount that we did last year; it's just too complicated and they're just causing problems.
In the federal government, there are some people who are very knowledgeable about it and would like to do it. But it's as if I'm asking for this project, and it's quite a bit of money, and yes, it's going to save money over a 10-year period, and yes, it's guaranteed, but I haven't really done one like it before and the person who did one in our department three years ago is now somewhere else. There's no corporate memory of it any more.
That agency problem is a difficult one, and it's not just in the federal government; it's in the private sector, as well. It's a problem that people refer to.
Again, the other thing you could do is to set a target and actually have an implementation plan. It's better to benchmark your buildings: who owns them, what's their energy performance right now on a watts-per-square-foot basis, what's the lighting? Here are the relatively low-hanging fruit, here are the things we won't get to for a long time, but here are the ones we should be taking on in the next five years. That would not be a difficult project to undertake.
As I said, there may be some progress from it, and I will find out if there is.