Good question. Yes we do, and it's provincially-based. When we do a project in B.C., we're looking at the cost of electricity and natural gas, so when they do a payback calculation for B.C., it's based on B.C. numbers.
Typically though, these reports have focused on the financial side. They have not focused as much on the greenhouse gas emissions side. It's not a requirement. This is why portfolio manager now is a way that we can bring in provincial emission factors. It's even a little bit more complicated than that, especially for Ontario. It not only depends on where the electricity is being used in Ontario, but also on when. Because we have a mixed fleet in Ontario, sometimes there are more emissions at certain times of the day and some seasons of the year than others. That's not as much the case in other provinces where it's all hydro, all gas, or all fossil. There's less variability.
It's a bit more complicated in Ontario, but certainly portfolio manager, as I understand the tool, was designed for 50 states. Again, they have various electricity generation fleets. It is going to give you specific information. I know NRCan is working on making sure that those emission factors are correct for each province.