Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
I would like to welcome you once again.
Last time, we had the opportunity to enjoy your web site. You'd think there's something in the air because we also talked a little about web sites today. I just hope it didn't cost $73 million.
You're presenting a program to us. A key driver for the creation of the program was a report entitled, "In Pursuit of Balance: Assisting Small and Medium Enterprises in Accessing Federal Procurement".
In response to that report, the government stated the following:
Through the modernization of the procurement process, the Government will work towards making the procurement process less prescriptive, improve considerations of quality and favour the incorporation of innovative goods and services.
The program is a consideration.
Certain environmental proposals were accepted. Reference was made to a New Brunswick business that farms sturgeon—Acipenser brevirostrum—on a sustainable basis. The fish is being processed for caviar and flesh.
For exactly what department do we want to produce caviar? Who do we want to supply?