Yes. They've only had a few months' practice, so they're just starting the journey, and it is a journey. I would say that corporations are probably your best bet, based on business, and they will share that knowledge with you.
In terms of the city, they worked on the Pan Am Games, which was a precursor to the program that has been developed there. A lot of that idea had already been developed, and it's still developing. The first part is to verify that you have diverse suppliers and to make sure of it, so they recognize certification councils and invite diverse suppliers to participate in groups of bids.
Interestingly enough, of our women-owned businesses, it's unfortunate, but not 100% want to do business with public procurement, so not all that are certified identify themselves to do business.
There's a secondary requirement. The city asks for a database, which we've developed and regularly update on a monthly basis, of those who want to do business. For any business between $3,000 and sometimes $100,000, depending on the division, one in three would be a diverse supplier that's presented for that procurement opportunity.